Dead Signal

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Wanna experience a little thrill and a bit of paranoia? Welcome to Dead Signal! In this suspenseful and at times somewhat creepy game, you’ve somehow ended up working for this company that makes the dark web look like a sunny beach vacation. Now you have to do their shady bidding, and you have no chance for a mistake!

Dead Signal features

• Plunge into the shady underworld of the Dark Net
• Test your observation skills, ability to spot difference and notice small details
• Handle unexpected challenges and survive the time pressure
• Deliver mysterious packages right on schedule
• Fix connections, repair equipment, and keep your cameras going at all times
• Keep your place safe and slip away from all kinds of hitmen

The dark lining of the internet

Welcome to your new place of employment! This crazy bunch of super mysterious hackers is all about collecting information that isn’t supposed to be collect and using it for purposes it isn’t supposed to be used for. They’re like the ultimate Peeping Toms, except they’re not just snooping on your neighbor’s backyard BBQ. No, no, these guys are on a whole another level. They’re tapping into your home security cameras, your office surveillance, and just about any lens with a connection. And you work for them now!

Shady job for a shady dude

So, what’s your job exactly? You’re the digital puppet master, tasked with watching a maze of security cameras scattered all over the city. These bad boys watch over everything, from the sketchiest back alleys to the ritziest penthouses. And guess what? They’re not there to catch shoplifters at the corner store. These cameras are your eyes and ears in the underworld.

You gotta be slicker than a cat with buttered paws because your boss wants you to keep tabs on every little sneeze and hiccup on those screens. Every juicy tidbit, every eyebrow-raising moment, you’ve got to file it all in a report by a certain hour. Miss the deadline, and you’re out of a job before you can log into your fake account!

But hey, there’s more! Your boss is also going to send you on errands. Oh, not your regular milk and eggs run! You’re delivering packages so shady that even the packages look suspicious. The contents? Well, you’re better off not asking. Just remember to check for ticking and don’t smell anything too weird!

Life risks involved!

And let’s not forget about your humble abode. You’d better fortify it like a castle, my friend. Some folks out there ain’t too thrilled about what you’re up to. They might want to introduce you to the art of disappearing. And others, well, they’re greedy as heck. Here are three main baddies you need to beware of:

• Lucas The Hitman: He’s a real sniper. Keep your room locked, check for that red laser, and dive under the bed to hide when you spot it. And for heaven’s sake, don’t turn on the flashlight!

• The Noir: These fellas won’t kill you instantly. Flash your flashlight at the guy, turn your back, and count to ten. If it’s a lady Noir, get about 3-5 feet in front, face away, and wait for her “Don’t move” cue. Easy, right?

• Mr. Delfaco: This guy’s a creeper and only activates when you spot him on the cameras. Listen for his whistling. If he’s at your door, hide under the bed or in the tub, turn off the lights, and keep quiet. No flashlight! If he’s on the roof or in the hallway, you better run like the wind!

These guys are tough, armed and dangerous. They’ll try to raid your place, looking for all the precious info you’ve got squirreled away. So, lock your doors, nail those windows shut, and be ready for anything!


Dead Signal tips and tricks

1. Do as much as you can early on

In the beginning, it’s all about reports, baby. Enemies won’t pounce on you until the message arrives, so you’ve got a teensy grace period to rack up those reports. The more you stack early on, the easier those final hours become. Reports carry over, and you’ll need them – 10 of them to survive the final round.

2. Wrap your head around report categories

You gotta know what to report, right? Open doors, laptops, packages, firearms, and even peeping Toms – categorize them right! Keep an eye out for anything sketchy – C4 explosives, mysterious vans, or that creeper Mr. Delfaco.

3. Streamline your package delivery routine

Those elevator rides are slower than molasses in January, and packages only count as one report. Try to sync package delivery with the computer’s dead signal event. Two birds, one stone.

4. Know your enemy, each of them!

It’s not just reports in Dead Signal. There are three baddies on your tail, and each is more dangerous than the last. To avoid a tragic end, you have to learn everything about their behavior and act accordingly!

5. Keep your room secure

You’ve got to be vigilant. Check for The Noir in your apartment (he could be anywhere, even in your bedroom). Keep an eye on Lucas’ laser beam – he’s like a sniper version of Batman. And for heaven’s sake, make sure your door’s locked, that thing’s flimsier than a cardboard castle.

Can you survive in the Dark Net?

So, there you go – Dead Signal, a glimpse into the underworld of the Internet and a constant race against the clock and against your own survival odds. In this topsy-turvy world of secrets and shadows, your life hangs by a thread, and your sanity? Well, let’s just say it’s taking a nosedive. Can you juggle all this madness, avoid the hitmen and thieves, and make it through the night with your wits and limbs intact? Embark on the craziest and darkest ride you never asked for and let’s see!

Comments (1)
  1. Muffin:

    Dead Signal is super spooky, but I love the thrill!

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