Garten of Banban 6

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You didn’t expect you might get a hello from the realm of lost souls, did you? The sixth installment of Banban’s Kindergarten is ready to immerse you once again in a world where there’s no one to ask for help. Will you be able to face a deadly problem alone for the second time?

Here you should continue to explore the uncharted levels of this enigmatic institution. The once-friendly environment has transformed into a nightmarish realm, devoid of allies and filled with lurking threats. Ready?
In this forsaken abyss, the absence of companionship is palpable; the once-joyful echoes of laughter have been replaced by the sinister whispers of unseen adversaries. Banban’s Kindergarten, once a sanctuary for innocence, is now a battleground for survival. This is where you must find your child despite the terrifying risks!


A lot of colorful toys have come to life, and they don’t look like they’re friendly. You realized this in the previous parts, so keep fighting! They are relentless forces that haunt your every move, ensuring you are never truly alone. Brace yourself for the challenges that await in the depths of Banban’s Kindergarten, where survival demands courage, cunning, and a determination to uncover the unsettling truths that lie beneath the surface.

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