Inside The Backrooms

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Being in a place where you are unlikely to survive, the thought of your friends is bound to cross your mind. “I wish they were here! I wouldn’t be so scared with them, and maybe we could even get out of this cursed space together.” You’re in luck this time because that’s what’s going to happen. Take your team and let’s go!
An immersive online horror experience in a chilling cooperative game designed for up to four brave souls is waiting for you! Escape the labyrinthine depths of the eerie realm, each level presenting a unique set of puzzles.
This project draws inspiration from the infamous creepypasta universe, intertwining elements of terror with real horrors, including legendary entities.

How can you survive?

As you delve into the shadows, your task is to meticulously explore each room, searching for vital clues and items that will aid your progression. Unlock new areas, solve intricate puzzles, and gather supplies – your survival depends on your keen observation and strategic thinking.
With each step deeper into this strange universe, the danger becomes worse. Entities, ominous and lurking, prowl these forsaken halls. You must sharpen your senses, learning to identify these creatures and evade them if you wish to live to see another room.

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