Mr Hopps Hunting Hour

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How horrible! His long ears make him too recognizable, especially at night. And his angry eyes hint at danger. What about his teeth that whisper that they will never forgive you for a mistake and will punish you immediately?

Who is he?

Set in the eerie backdrop of five long, harrowing nights, you find yourself facing a relentless adversary: Mr. Hopps, a menacing rabbit, whose every move could mean your demise. Armed with nothing but a flashlight, your only defense is to scare away this monstrous creature whenever it emerges from the shadows.

This game, a gripping spin-off of its predecessor, amplifies the horror survival experience by focusing on the anticipation of the monster’s unpredictable appearances. When the night progresses, the challenge intensifies, demanding lightning-fast reflexes and unwavering courage to outwit the relentless rabbit. Each moment is laden with tension, keeping you on the edge of your seat as you navigate the darkness, your flashlight your only lifeline against the approaching terror. Will you test your survival instincts or is it too risky for you?

Will you rise to the challenge and conquer the nightmarish menace of the rabbit? The answer lies in your ability to outmaneuver fear itself and emerge victorious from this heart-stopping hunting hour!

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