The Baby In Yellow

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Innocence takes a chilling turn, and the mundane role of a nanny transforms into a spine-tingling nightmare. You, a young girl, find yourself in the unsettling position of caring for a peculiar child whose innocence masks a malevolent secret.

A lullaby in the shadows

Initially, the routine unfolds like any babysitting job. Feeding, changing, and bedtime rituals play out without a hitch. As night descends, the child’s cries shatter the silence, taking you into a realm of creeping dread. Check on the source of the cries!

What follows is a descent into a macabre maze. The baby, once seemingly ordinary, leads you on a strange journey. When you awaken from fleeting moments of sleep, the baby’s cries lure you back into the nursery. However, unsettling discoveries occur, sending shivers down your spine. Try to grapple with the inexplicable events surrounding the enigmatic baby!

Courage is your sole companion when you play on the fine line between reality and nightmare. The night is long, and the baby’s cry doesn’t bode well. All that lies ahead is the realization that this child is possessed by a demon. All you have to do is pray and trust in your intelligence and fearlessness, which should help you end this nightmare as quickly as possible.

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